Formula #33 Diarrantes, Diarrhea Aid* 90 Vegetable Capsules
Fórmula #33 Diarrantes, Diarrhea Aid* es una forma natural y eficaz de aliviar los síntomas asociados con la diarrea. *
Formula #33 Diarrantes, Diarrhea Aid* is a natural and effective way to alleviate symptoms associated with diarrhea. *
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Formula #33 Diarrantes, Diarrhea Aid* 90 Capsulas
¿Busca un remedio natural para aliviar los síntomas de la diarrea? ¡No busques más que nuestras capsulas Diarrantes, Diarrea Aid* Fórmula #33 tiene más de 50 años! Esta mezcla de hierbas cuidadosamente seleccionadas está diseñada para ayudar a calmar el sistema digestivo y promover la regularidad. *
Nuestra Formul;a #33 Diarrantes contiene una mezcla única de las siguientes hierbas:
- Malva, Raiz (Marshmallow Root): utilizada tradicionalmente para calmar y apoyar el tracto digestivo. *
- Olmo Americano (Slippery Elm): utilizado tradicionalmente para favorecer una digestión saludable y reducir la inflamación en el tracto digestivo. *
- Muicle (Mexican Honeysuckle): utilizado tradicionalmente para apoyar el bienestar digestivo. *
- Mora, Hojas (Black Berry Leaves): contiene taninos que pueden ayudar a reducir la inflamación y calmar el sistema digestivo. *
- Manzanilla (Manzanilla): utilizada tradicionalmente para calmar y relajar el sistema digestivo. *
- Canela (Cinnamon): utilizada tradicionalmente para reducir la inflamación temporal y favorecer una digestión saludable. *
- Echinacea Purpúrea: utilizada tradicionalmente para apoyar el sistema inmunológico. *
- Flor de Sauco (Elder Flower): tradicionalmente utilizadas para aliviar la inflamación e irritación temporal del sistema digestivo. *
- Semillas de Guaraná (Guarana Seeds): contienen cafeína y se utilizan por sus propiedades energizantes; pueden estimular el sistema digestivo. *
- Caléndula: utilizadas tradicionalmente para calmar la inflamación del sistema digestivo. *
- Menta (Peppermint): utilizada tradicionalmente para reducir las molestias digestivas y los espasmos en el tracto digestivo. *
- Frambuesa, Hojas (Raspberry Leaves): utilizada tradicionalmente para calmar el sistema digestivo y reducir la inflamación del cuerpo.*
- Cáscara Sagrada (Sacred Bark): utilizada tradicionalmente para favorecer la regularidad intestinal. *
- Milenrama (Yarrow): utilizadas tradicionalmente para reducir la inflamación temporal y los espasmos en el sistema digestivo. *
- Nuez moscada (Nuez Moscada): utilizada tradicionalmente para favorecer el bienestar digestivo. *
- Tomillo (Thyme): utilizado tradicionalmente para aliviar molestias digestivas ocasionales y favorecer una digestión saludable. *
- Alamo Blanco, Corteza (White Poplar Bark): utilizada tradicionalmente para reducir la inflamación temporal y aliviar las molestias digestivas ocasionales. *
Formula #33 Diarrantes, Diarrhea Aid* 90 Vegetable Capsules
Looking for a natural remedy to relieve diarrhea symptoms? Look no further than our 50-plus-year-old Formula #33 Diarrantes, Diarrhea Aid* Capsules! This blend of carefully selected herbs is designed to help soothe the digestive system and promote regularity. *
This formula contains a unique blend of the following herbs:
- Marshmallow Root (Malva): traditionally used to soothe and support the digestive tract. *
- Slippery Elm (Olmo Americano): traditionally used to support healthy digestion and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. *
- Muicle: traditionally used to support digestive wellness. *
- Blackberry (Hojas de Mora): contains tannins that may help reduce inflammation and soothe the digestive system. *
- Chamomile (Manzanilla): traditionally used to calm and relax the digestive system. *
- Cinnamon (Canela): traditionally used to reduce temporary inflammation and support healthy digestion. *
- Echinacea Purpurea: traditionally used to support the immune system. *
- Elder Flowers (Flor de Sauco): traditionally used to relieve temporary inflammation and irritation in the digestive system. *
- Guarana Seeds (Semillas de Guarana): they contain caffeine and are used for their energizing properties; they may stimulate the digestive system. *
- Marigold Flowers (Calendula): traditionally used to soothe inflammation in the digestive system. *
- Peppermint (Menta): traditionally used to reduce digestive discomfort and spasms in the digestive tract. *
- Raspberry (Frambuesa): traditionally used to soothe the digestive system and reduce inflammation in the body. *
- Sacred Bark (Cascara Sagrada): traditionally used to promote bowel regularity. *
- Yarrow Flowers (Milenrama): traditionally used to reduce temporary inflammation and spasms in the digestive system. *
- Nutmeg (Nuez Moscada): traditionally used to support digestive wellness. *
- Thyme (Tomillo): traditionally used to relieve occasional digestive discomfort and support healthy digestion. *
- White Poplar Bark (Corteza Alamo Blanco): traditionally used to reduce temporary inflammation and provide relief from occasional digestive discomfort. *
Overall, our 50-plus-year-old Formula #33 Diarrantes, Diarrhea Aid* 90 Vegetable Capsules is a safe and natural way to alleviate the discomfort caused by symptoms associated with diarrhea and get your digestive system back on track. *
Before using any herbal supplement, it is important to consult with your doctor, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking any medications. This product is not intended to replace any medications or treatments prescribed by your doctor. If you experience any adverse reactions or side effects, discontinue use and consult your doctor immediately.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
California Prop65 – For California Residents Only
WARNING: Consuming this product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
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